

Recent Computer Science graduate with a wide array of experience spanning multiple different programming languages, methodologies and technologies. Currently searching for employment in software development.


2019 - 2022 | Queen's University Belfast

BSc in Computer Science, 2:1 Grade

2016 - 2019 | Grosvenor Grammar School

A-levels: Software Systems Development (B), German (B), Biology (B)
AS-Levels: Software Systems Development (B), German (C), Biology (C)

Technical Skills

Development Languages: C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, HTML, Python, MySQL, SQL, PHP

Development Environments: Microsoft Visual Studio 2012/2016, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, Android Studio, MATLAB

Operating Systems: Windows 7/10, Minor experience with Linux

Work Skills

Time Management: Development of time management skills came throughout my education, completing work to many project deadlines in recent years

Problem Solving: Individual projects were the best opportunities to build upon my problem-solving skills, especially under time-pressure. Tackling a wide range of problems in different technologies has allowed me to refine a personal way of approaching roadblocks, and how to get around them

Communication: Communicating my opinions, ideas or difficulties to other members of my team has improved through undertaking many different group projects. Around half of the projects while pursuing my degree were team based, with consistently good scores achieved in each